Pupil, Ben, age 17, on leaving Bright Futures School in July 2018, said:
“I starting visiting school when I was nearly 10 years old, and officially became a pupil in May 2012. To me, it doesn’t feel all that long ago, however I’m sure some of you veterans feel differently! It’s honestly hard for me to think back to what I was like before coming here, regarding my mannerisms, knowledge about the world and self-confidence. However, that shouldn’t particularly matter now. One things for certain, I’ve changed a lot. And you’ve all played a part in making me who I am today, and for that let me offer my deepest thanks to the staff and pupils. Once I am settled at College, I’ll be sure to come and visit you all. You won’t get rid of me that easily!”

Pupil, Matthew, age 13, said:
“I was excluded a lot at my other school. They didn’t understand my autism. I felt like I was being punished for being autistic – but I can’t help it. I’ve never been excluded at Bright Futures and for the first time, I feel happy at school, doing all my lessons and I have friends.”
Feedback from Harry’s Mum, Clare on Harrys’ first few weeks at college after leaving BFS:
“Just wanted to let you know if you could possibly share with the staff, that Harry’s IT tutor at College has just phoned with an update, to say how proud he is of Harry, and how well he is doing, he said he wouldn’t know that Harry had specials needs, as he’s engaging, working brilliantly, enthusiastic, mixing well with the others, making friends in his class, and how he’s laid back and entertaining, 😊😊.
He’s engaging well with his maths and English on line/ and zoom IT classes (he does one week in, one week on zoom to keep class sizes to 9) no prompting needed, and he’s even finding his way to pick up point independently now for his taxi ( though he did leave his bag in the taxi on the first day 😳).
Anyway just wanted to say a huge Thankyou again to all at BF for making this all possible for him… I never imagined I’d see the day! “

Pupil, Harry, age 14, said:
Ahead of meeting up out of school with two other pupils: “I’m really looking forward to going out with the boys tonight. Mum, remember when I didn’t have any friends?”

Pupil, Marley, age 14, said:
“Bright Futures helps me sort things out when I’m feeling low. It’s a really happy place and I love learning here. It’s joyful.”

Parental feedback following first school report-June 2021
“What a lovely morning read this is! I actually feel rather emotional, it’s such a breath of fresh air to read such a positive report! We agree she’s settled in so beautifully and this is the only positive year we’ve ever had out of 7 years of education!! So thank you for being so incredible and restoring our faith back in the education system!!”

Mum of a 14 year old pupil said:
“His previous school plain and simply didn’t understand autism and thought he could be communicated with and taught in the ‘mainstream’ way. He was picked on by his peers, his mental health deteriorated to the point that our family life was in turmoil, his self-esteem was ground zero, he was in tears every morning begging not to go to school. He would bottle his feelings up at school then explode at home. He didn’t have a single friend in the world, and this temper would trigger seizures. The change in him has been astounding! He loves going to school at Bright Futures. He has made meaningful friendships, he’s no longer insular, his confidence has blossomed and I am so happy to say he’s been seizure-free in the two years since being at Bright Futures and is on his final months withdrawal of epilepsy medication, which his neurologist never dreamed there would be hope of.”

Parental feedback re Tyler in advance of 2015 Review:
“Tyler is more relaxed at home. It’s not very often Tyler gets frustrated or angry about things he has a problem with. The quality of input is very good at BFS. He wants to go to school and rarely has a day off. (Speaks volumes)”
From Julie Kennedy, Tyler’s mum (13/05/15)
Feedback from Love Lydgate following a recent visit to Bright Futures School:
Four ladies from Love Lydgate (a local community group), came to visit on Monday 14th November 2016. They wrote to us to say…
‘Dear Zoe and Alison and everyone at Bright Futures. It was such a grey, dark, damp day yesterday but as we stepped through the doors of Bright Futures, our spirits lifted. We received such a warm welcome. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. It was a privilege to have a glimpse of what you all work so hard to achieve. There was such a positive atmosphere and the pupils were delightful….even though we pinched their usual seats and their techno time and attention!
We look forward to working with you in the future. Do keep us updated as we will with you. Thank you again. Jennifer and the Love Lydgate Team.’

Parental feedback re Philip in advance of 2015 Review:
In the past year, we have seen an increase in personal confidence in Philip. He is more settled at school and he’s beginning to look forward to the future world of work and relationships. Staff at BFS work hard with Philip.
From Dixon Milburn, Philip’s dad (June 2015)

Clare Gibbins, Harry’s mum, June 2016, said:
A lovely School Report! I am thrilled with Harry’s progress at Bright Futures School. Thank you to all the great staff!
Clare Gibbins, Harry’s mum, January 2016, said:
Hi Zoe, I’ve just watched the video, gosh, I’m feeling quite choked!! If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it possible! I’m looking at a young man doing all the right ‘things’ in all the right places, just like anyone else at his age! He would never have engaged in anything with me the way he has with you and I can see just what you are doing to achieve it! And where I’m going totally wrong. It’s given me so much hope for him and I know if I can get that RDI home program, it will turn our home life around!! This really gives me something to work on with Stephen!
Parental feedback from Harry’s Mum, November 2016:
‘I’d just like to share something with you and the staff that Harry did tonight, because I’ve been absolutely blown away by his ability to read my emotions, through my use of non verbals, and the lovely words he used.
I was pretty tired tonight, after a hectic birthday weekend for his sister, and was generally feeling a bit jaded, and having a lie down, when Harry ca…me upstairs and said “hey mum are you ok”?, I used non verbals, just shrugged my shoulders and sighed, and was about to tell him how I was feeling, when he cuddled up to me and said “never mind mum, I’ll help you back onto the stage, switch those lights back on for you, and make you sparkle again”!!! Wow!!! he’s read my emotions, through the use of non verbals, and offered astounding words of comfort and encouragement too!!.
I told him how absolutely lovely his words were, and how much better he’d made me feel, and asked him if someone had taught him those words? He said “no, I just thought of them, but we have been learning about friendship at school” gosh!!! I’m truly amazed by his progress, thanks to such an amazing team at BF!’

Rachel Eyres, Lucy’s mum, June 2016, said:
“Lucy’s first school report is a joy to read and just wonderful. This last year has been a giant leap forward for Lucy, can’t wait for next year!”

Dad of one of our younger pupils said:
“I’ve seen your videos and your comments in the home/school communication book about S making a breakthrough and I can’t believe the difference in her. She is so different towards me, it is amazing. She never screams and is really happy all the time.”

Parental feedback from Saoirse’s Mum, June 2016:
We are really proud of the work that’s being done with her. David said (and I agreed) that last week was the best week of our lives. It has all been totally worth it. I think every parent would do this too, if they knew Bright Futures was out there.